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Circular Economy EN

At thermobiehl Apparatebau GmbH, we place great emphasis on manufacturing products that are durable, environmentally friendly, and stand for the highest quality. In light of pressing issues such as pollution, climate change, resource scarcity, and population growth, we have long adhered to the principle of the circular economy.

Our products are designed from the ground up to allow individual parts to be replaced and, if necessary, overhauled. In the case of our temperature control devices, we rely on a modular design where parts are easily disassembled and separately replaceable.

Additionally, we have an extensive inventory of refurbished parts, enabling us to provide spare parts for temperature control devices that are already 40 years old or older.

Through the continuous optimization of our internal manufacturing processes, we have already made significant progress in saving operational and consumable materials. We have reduced resource consumption by more than 28% and consistently pursue a circular economy by reintegrating all operational and waste materials into the production process as much as possible.

To minimize CO2 emissions from long delivery routes, we have established a growing network of regional suppliers. Furthermore, we value production that meets the requirements of the “Made in Germany” label to manufacture our temperature control devices in Germany.

Another important factor is the power supply for our manufacturing. We rely on self-produced green electricity to make our production processes sustainable.