Heat transfer oils

Thermobiehl 700

So as to ensure smooth, cost-effective operation and to extend the service life of our temperature control units, we always recommend using a high-quality heat transfer medium from our thermo oil product range
Our thermo 700 is a synthetic heat transfer oil which is to be used in temperature control units with a maximum flow temperature of 350 °C. It has optimum resistance to ageing and oxidation, which can help increase the service life. Deposits, sludge formation or resinification are largely a thing of the past thanks to our oils.
Heat transfer oils provide efficient heat transfer, protect system components from overheating and contribute to energy savings. In numerous industries, be it plastics processing or the chemical industry, they ensure the uniform heating and cooling of processes, which leads to improved product quality and increased production speed.
    • Max. flow temperature of 350 °C 
    • Very good resistance to ageing and oxidation
    • Cost-effective use due to long service life
    • 50 kg drums
    • 200 kg drums

Accessories for temperature control units

Accessories for temperature control units